【同义词辨析】 2019-06-07 一个欺诈无德懒惰怯懦的敌人(5小组一起记)

(1) 欺诈
crooked: may imply the presence of material curves, bends, or twists: a ~ road; or it may imply departure from a right and proper course and then usually suggests cheating or fraudulence: set up a ~ deal to force his partner out of the business.   twist=turn in a spiral shape旋转旋钮if you twist something, you turn it to make a spiral shape,如the path twists up on the mountainside山路在山腰盘旋而上,如while the prospects are bright, the roads have twists and turns前途是光明的,道路是曲折的)   诈骗fraudulence比欺骗cheating严重,是刑事违法要承担刑事责任,欺骗只是民事违法只承担民事责任

devious: implies a departure from a direct or usual course: returned home by a ~ route to avoid the waiting bully; in application to persons or their acts or practices it is likely to imply unreliablility, shiftiness or trickiness, or sometimes obscurity: gained an inheritance by ~ means.   光明磊落形容人的行为正直坦白,毫无隐私暧昧不可告人之处,shift转移,shifty形容人推卸责任躲避批评的样子,trick伎俩指隐瞒欺骗的手段) obscure晦涩难懂

oblique: implies departure from a horizontal or vertical direction: an ~ line dividing a rectangle into two equal triangles; and can suggest indirection or lack of straightforwardness: made an ~ but damning attack on his character.  straightforward直接的applies to what is consistently direct without deviation or evasiveness直接不绕道不躲避,如a straightforward answer直接了当的答复)

crooked欺诈、曲折: 表示有曲折旋转、背离了正确路线,常表示欺骗诈骗,devious不光明磊落的、绕道: 指背离通常直达路线,或表示不可靠不正直坦白,oblique斜的间接的: 指背离水平垂直方向,或表示不直接

记忆方法:1)欺诈的意思是不直接不诚实mean not straight or straightforward.

(2) 无德
immoral: implies a positive and active opposition to what is moral and may designate whatever is counter to accepted ethical principles or the dictates of conscience: ~ ideas and conduct.     positive正向的肯定的,反义negative   active积极的,反义passive,解释中的意思是直接

unmoral: implies a lack of ethical perception and moral awareness or a disregard of moral principles: possessed the ~ conscience of a newborn baby.

nonmoral: implies that the thing described is patently outside the sphere where moral judgments are applicable: whether your car runs or not is a ~ issue.

amoral: is often applied to something that is not customarily exempted from moral judgment: a review that called the film ~.  exempt免除,指允许不必做某事implies being allowed not to do something,如men in college were exempt from military service大学男生免服兵役, 如charities are exempted from paying the tax慈善团体免付税款,这个词可以是形容词如例1或动词如例2)

immoral不道德: 指和道德直接对立违反伦理良知,unmoral尚不懂道德的: 如例句中的小孩,对道德还没有感知意识考虑,nonmoral和道德无关: 表示不在道德的适用范围,amoral不道德: 用于不能免除道德责任的情况,语气比immoral稍弱,但也有严重的道德问题(如例句中的电影)

记忆方法:1)无德的意思是违反道德mean not moral.     道德是涉及两个字“对错”的准则或观念implies the codes or notions of right or wrong,其中code是准则notion是观念, 如the basic moral values of a community社区的基本道德价值)

(3) 懒惰
lazy: suggests a disinclination to work or to take trouble and is likely to imply idleness or dawdling even when at work: his habitually ~ son.   (dawdle懒散,指做事闲散不顾目标,或表示游荡闲逛suggests idleness, aimlessness, and a warndering mind,如children dawdling on their way home from school小孩在放学路上闲逛, 如he got fed up as bank staff dawdled over cashing him a cheque银行职员慢吞吞地给他兑现支票,他憋了一肚子气)   work是个多义词,可以表示1、泛指做事,或2、工作,解释中第一个work是1,第2个是2

indolent: suggests a love of ease and a settled dislike of movement or activity: the summer's heat made us all ~.  activity活动a lot of things that are happening at the same time,activity一般涉及多个事情或动作a lot of things or acts,而act一般指单个动作single thing or act,如economic/illegal/criminal activity经济/非法/犯罪活动表示有多个动作,所以解释中用的activity这个词,户外活动集体活动娱乐活动等也有这个意思)

slothful: implies a temperamental inability to act promptly or speedily when promptness or speed is called for: the agency is usually ~ about fulfilling requests. sloth是南美一种动物叫树懒,它生活在树上行动非常缓慢a South American animal that lives in trees and moves very slowly. 这个词常形容人又,如房龙在《人类的故事the story of mankind》中说: "the human mind is slower than the proverbial turtle, is lazier than the well-known sloth"人类思维进步的速度比伊索寓言中的乌龟,比众人皆知的树懒懒

lazy懒惰: 表示不愿做事怕麻烦,即使工作时也表现得清闲懒散,indolent不想动弹好逸恶劳: 表示喜欢安逸不愿动弹活动,slothful懒慢: 指做事情不能迅速快捷满足要求,像树懒一样又懒又慢

记忆方法:1)懒惰的意思是不愿行动活动mean not easily aroused to action or activity.      

(4) 胆怯
timid: stresses lack of courage and daring and implies extreme cautiousness and a fear of venturing into the unfamiliar or the uncertain: a ~ investor impairing his capital in a vain search for complete security.   cautious谨慎,表示提前思考做事慎重,以发防范危险implies the exercise of forethought or prudence usually prompted by fear of danger,如a cautious driver一个谨慎的司机)       (venture做有风险的事,经营、冒险,如joint venture合资经营企业,如afraid to venture out for fear of sniper attacks害怕狙击手,不敢冒险外出,如'So you're Leo's girlfriend?' he ventured“那么你就是列奥的女朋友了?”,他大胆问道, 名词adventure更强调大胆冒险,如adventure stories in Africa非洲历险故事)

timorous: stresses a usually habitual domination by fears and apprehensions of often imaginary risks that leads one to shrink terrified from any exhibition of independence or self-assertion: a ~ personality unsuited to door-to-door selling.  dominate主宰控制,同根词domestic国内的, domesticate驯化,domineer指挥别人,来自词根DOM表示house家庭,又如dominating hand是习惯用的手,俗称撇子)  (apprehension害怕担心,表示心中"充满preoccupied with"害怕implies a mind preoccupied with fear and anxiety,如approached the dangerous undertaking with great apprehension要去做这件危险的事情,心中充满害怕担心。这个词的解释和这个词本身都有pre,所以不难记)

timid胆小: 强调缺乏勇气胆量,做事极端谨慎不敢冒险做不熟悉不确定的事,timorous怯懦: 表示习惯性地被担心害怕所主宰,可能只是因为想象的风险,表现得畏缩害怕不自立没主见

记忆方法:1)胆怯的意思是害怕担心以致犹豫退却mean so fearful and apprehensive as to hesitate or hold back.

(5) 敌人
enemy: stresses antagonism that may range from a deep hatred or a will to harm and destroy TO no more than active or evident dislike or a habit of preying on: a man with many friends and no ~ies.  antagonism泛指立场性格等的对立冲突opposition, clashing in temperament or position,etc, 如a long-standing antagonism between the banker and his prodigal son银行家和他败家子子的长期对立情绪)  (prey除表示猎捕,还表示欺负=take advantage of,如there were men who preyed on young runaways有人欺负离家出走的年轻人)
foe: preferred in rhetorical or poetic use, stresses active fighting or struggle rather than emotional reaction: a ~ of all injustice.     宜将剩勇追穷with power to spare, we must pursue the tottering foe

enemy敌人: 泛指对立冲突的人,可能是深恨想要毁灭的人,也可能只是讨厌不友善的人,foe敌人敌寇: 多用于修辞诗歌,强调激烈打仗斗争而不是情感反应

记忆方法:1)敌人的意思是敌对恶意的人mean an individual or a group who shows hostility or ill will to another.